Thursday, January 21, 2016

Jan 21 - Mold Me and Shape Me, Lord


Bible Verse: Isaiah 64:8 New Living Translation (NLT) "O Lord, You are our Father. We are the clay, and You are the Potter. We all are formed by Your hand."

Prayer: "Dear Lord, I want You be in complete control of my life. Mold me and shape me however You please.  Help me not to complain when circumstances don't go the way that I think they should. Perhaps those "surprises" are Your hands at work forming me into what You want me to be.  I am all Yours, Lord. Do whatever You want with me. I surrender all that I am to You.  In Jesus' precious and holy name I pray, AMEN."

Song: Jim Reeves "Have Thine Own Way, Lord"
(Mobile users can click on the link above
to see the Youtube video of the song.)

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