Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July 1 - Help Me God!

Bible Verses: John 3:1-3 New Living Translation (NLT) "There was a man named Nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader who was a Pharisee. After dark one evening, he came to speak with Jesus. “Rabbi,” he said, “we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are evidence that God is with you.” Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

1 Peter 1:3 New Living Translation (NLT) "All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by His great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead."

Prayer: "Lord, I have no merit on my own. There is nothing I could ever possibly do to make things right between you and I.  When I have tried to run my life, it was nothing but a huge and horrible mess. It wasn't until I fully gave control of my life over to You that things began to turn around. Do You remember that prayer, Lord? Of course You do. You don't forget a thing!  I think it went something like this:
Help me God! I've made an awful mess of my life. I've hurt my family, I've hurt strangers, and I know that I've hurt You. Please forgive me for all the wrong things I've said and done. I don't want to go on living this way anymore.  I believe You died for me, and I know that means that You CAN and WILL forgive me.  Forgive me, Lord, and help me to start a new life with YOU in control.
Well, that was awhile ago, Lord.  I guess that prayer was when I became what you might call "born again."  Oh sure, I had accepted You as my Savior when I was a child, but it took being an adult and realizing how pathetic life really was trying to live without You in complete control of my life.  Lord, stay near to me, and help me to NEVER let go of Your hand.  And I pray that if there's anyone out there who has never prayed and asked for Your forgiveness, that You would touch his or her heart with that love of Yours that is beyond my understanding and help him or her feel the need for You. In Jesus' precious and Holy Name, AMEN." 

Song: Evie Tornquist Karlsson "Born Again"
(Mobile users can click on the link above
to see the Youtube video of the song.)
Full Lyrics Below

You may think it foolish
What I'm gonna say,
I'm not ashamed,
No, not ashamed.
One day I prayed,
"Jesus, take my sin away,"
And that's when I was born again.
Born again --
There's really been a change in me!
Born again --
Just like Jesus said.
Born again,
And all because of Calvary.
I'm glad, so glad,
That I've been born again.
One man came to Jesus
John and chapter three,
And so afraid,
Oh, so afraid!
"Master, You're from God,
I really do believe."
And Jesus said,
"Be born again."
Born again --
There's really been a change in me!
Born again --
Just like Jesus said.
Born again,
And all because of Calvary.
I'm glad, so glad,
That I've been born again.
I'm glad, so glad,
That I've been born again.

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